Jeff Goodell: “What grade would you give the Obama Administration?” Final entry No. 7

Bill Gates: “I don’t think I’d give them any different grade than they’d give themselves. They wanted to get additional R&D money and they wanted to get some type of price signal on carbon, and they haven’t succeeded in doing it yet, so I think they’d give themselves an incomplete. It may stay that way. Should they be trying harder? They have a lot of things going on.”

J.G. “Are you scared about the kind of world- and the kind of climate- your kids will inherit?”

B.G. “Climate change is a terrible problem and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority. But when you think of kids, you think of more immediate things like,will terrorists blow up a nuclear bomb? When you start thinking about kids, I hope they fasten their safety belts. There’s a lot to worry about.”

My preference is to generate positive energy and create the world we want. Focus on opening your heart; I do!  Happy New Year

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3 Responses to Jeff Goodell: “What grade would you give the Obama Administration?” Final entry No. 7

  1. Dave says:

    Right On Donna!!

    I’m gonna focus on keeping my heart open too. Also, I’m gonna try to keep a positive outlook on life; even when, I am faced with challenges.

  2. donna loren says:

    Dave, once you’ve tasted freedom, there’s no turning back. Along with this gift comes courage. All of these gifts come with a daily discipline and aligning yourself with like-minded people and an environment that supports your energy. Remember, you,my friend are never alone. Thank you for all your well wishes. XO DL

  3. Dave says:

    Cheers !!!

    Everyday Donna, I’m gonna try to make someone happy, just like you do,
    so I can be happy everyday too.
    Thanks so much for all your inspirational encouragements with all of your lovely music.
    XOXO Dave 😉 😉

    Doris Day “Make Someone Happy” 1961

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