Bill Gates: “I don’t think I’d give them any different grade than they’d give themselves. They wanted to get additional R&D money and they wanted to get some type of price signal on carbon, and they haven’t succeeded in doing it yet, so I think they’d give themselves an incomplete. It may stay that way. Should they be trying harder? They have a lot of things going on.”
J.G. “Are you scared about the kind of world- and the kind of climate- your kids will inherit?”
B.G. “Climate change is a terrible problem and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority. But when you think of kids, you think of more immediate things like,will terrorists blow up a nuclear bomb? When you start thinking about kids, I hope they fasten their safety belts. There’s a lot to worry about.”
My preference is to generate positive energy and create the world we want. Focus on opening your heart; I do! Happy New Year
Right On Donna!!
I’m gonna focus on keeping my heart open too. Also, I’m gonna try to keep a positive outlook on life; even when, I am faced with challenges.
Dave, once you’ve tasted freedom, there’s no turning back. Along with this gift comes courage. All of these gifts come with a daily discipline and aligning yourself with like-minded people and an environment that supports your energy. Remember, you,my friend are never alone. Thank you for all your well wishes. XO DL
Cheers !!!
Everyday Donna, I’m gonna try to make someone happy, just like you do,
so I can be happy everyday too.
Thanks so much for all your inspirational encouragements with all of your lovely music.
XOXO Dave 😉 😉
Doris Day “Make Someone Happy” 1961